
Sunday, July 8, 2018

A doghouse, dog house, dogshed or kennel is a small shed commonly built in the shape of a house, a shelter intended for a dog. It is a structure in which a dog is kept and it is intended to provide a safe place to dogs outdoors. Doghouses are also used for other pets, such as rabbits in enclosed yards.

Generally, people buy a doghouse to provide a secure and private place for their pet and protect it from various weather conditions. Many materials can be used for making doghouses, such as wood, plastic, resin, and hardboard.


Building a dog kennel - In this video I build a dog kennel for my dogs Toby and Mia. This dog kennel is perfect for them when we have to be gone all day. Here's the video on how I ...

Humans often build "houses" for domestic animals, often resembling smaller versions of human domiciles. These include bird-houses, hen-houses/chicken-coops and doghouses; while housed agricultural animals more often live in barns and stables. Doghouses are often used when the dog is outdoors in the garden, and on areas around a farm where the dog guards the possessions of the owners from unwanted/unexpected people or animals. A doghouse is made of insulating material (often wood) to prevent loss of heat except for a front opening where the dog will enter. The roof is almost always waterproof material. The roof of a doghouse is built to prevent snow or rain from collecting. Often, the owner of the pet should be able to open or remove the roof.

See also

How to Build A Modern Dog House | how-tos | DIY
How to Build A Modern Dog House | how-tos | DIY. Source : www.diynetwork.com

  • Eddie's House
  • Kennel


How to Build a Simple Gabled-Roof Doghouse | how-tos | DIY
How to Build a Simple Gabled-Roof Doghouse | how-tos | DIY. Source : www.diynetwork.com

External links

Small dog house plans graceful align roof panel man constructs a ...
Small dog house plans graceful align roof panel man constructs a .... Source : markthedev.com

  • Ron Hazelton's HouseCallsâ€"Includes step-by-step video instructions and free blueprints for a custom doghouse.
  • All About Dog Housesâ€"Information about constructing or purchasing a doghouse, the history of doghouses, doghouse terminology, and plans for a DIY doghouse.
  • Building a Small Dog House Includes detailed images with the construction process, as well as a list with the materials and tools needed for the project.
  • Eamon Aldrich: Doghouse Architectâ€"Humorous article about a fictional celebrity doghouse architect that includes lots of interesting and detailed information about doghouse design and construction.

How to Build a Log Cabin Doghouse | how-tos | DIY
How to Build a Log Cabin Doghouse | how-tos | DIY. Source : www.diynetwork.com

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